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1 point

That way everyone could vote and then people would not gett mixed up on fake ones.

0 points

You chould have to scan your finger in a finger print scanner?

0 points

the reconstruction was a success but i dont see why you would destroy everything and then have to rebuild it back up.

1 point

I think that we should just need are birth certificate to vote becasue that is basiclly your ID

1 point

I think that we should just need are birth certificate to vote becasue that is basiclly your ID

1 point

Yes we need ID to vote because if we didn't people could just come into the united states and vote and they are not even part of the united states.

1 point

Yes bullying is a bad thing but on the other hand it does make some people get stronger and that they just have to think about like if they can give it they should be able to take it to. And something that people just have fun some people just have to take it as a joke and not take it to heart right away.

1 point

Well that will be hard to do because look at it now they have been trying to stop it for several years and it’s not happening. Also like at Milwaukee we make beer. Also you just can go and say stop to everyone and don’t drink and drive so it is not going to do them any good

1 point

I don't think that we should pull the soldiers out of Iraq. Because one they Will come back right at us and there will be a big disaster if we put them out. Two i don't think that we should pull them out because some people will lose their jobs. Because some job depend on the war.

1 point

Yes that is true that they have more money but I don’t think that they should have to pay more money. I think that the taxes should be the same for everybody. That’s like saying you are rich give me some of your money. And if you were rich would you want to give up your money?

1 point

Yes and also there is like only two states in the United States that does not have the concealed and carry. All the other states have them. So I don’t see what the big deal is with the concealed and carry why people don’t like it. I just don’t believe that you should have to go to a 4 hour class just for it. What is a class really going to do because most people are not going to get a handgun if they do not know anything about handguns.

1 point

I believe that they should have the concealed and carry because it will be safer. Yes it might let the gangs have guns but then you can have a gun to protect yourself. So you have the same advantage as them. And it helps with the hunter’s allot because you do not need to unload your handgun that you would have for protection in the woods for bears or other animals.

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