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Nathankruegr's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Nathankruegr's arguments, looking across every debate.

i think its going to be hard but we will beable to change that over time

its screwed up really badly! loseing more and more money by the day! one of these days the government has to make money!

i agree because all the rich people have more money so they should be taxed more

hes makeing the state money and all these people want to recall him!! there wasteing all this money for nothing when hes helping the state

because of obama the government shut down! when hes trying to make the government better the government is lossing money! hes not even makeing the government better hes just makeing it worse

2 points

Well then the US should vote for a president that is going to fix the government

And the governmeat shut down so he didnt help out the government

2 points

but obama said he was going to create more jobs! is there any more jobs! no

2 points

Scott Walker would be a better president then obama! Walker would try to fix the government

i agree theres way to many coming over and taking all the jobs

2 points

that is all true. he never helped out the government like he said he would

there should be no recall for walker because its a big waste of money and he is makeing the state better but its taking him a long time

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