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The unfortunate thing about this is today people get away with doing drugs so much more. Not as many people get caught or get in trouble for it.

Yeah marijuana should not be legalized so many more people would do it. It isn't good for you in the first place and we don't want younger kids starting this.

2 points

I agreee so many still do marijuana and i believe that is it the leading cash crop, some people like to smoke it because it is illegal, but others would rather not get in trouble for doing it.

3 points

In 1920s the Porhibition of Alcohol didn't really work because clubs would still have underground alcohol parties. Families would brew their own beer illegally at home anyways. The prohibition in 1920s didn't stop people from drinking. Marijuana is illegal today and still so many people do it. There are two different sides though, some people want to do it because they know it is illegal and think it is cool while others don't want to do it because they know they could get in serious trouble for it.

The progessive Era was really a great time for the U.S. we made so many more reforms which helped this country to become so much better as a whole. We made a food reform, women's rights, sanitiarty reform, drug reform, and many others.

I agree with you Madison there were so many things that changed, like food. Before progessive era spoiled animals and vegetables were used which cause huge outbreak in diseases. Also to preserve things or make things last longer they added water to wine and chalk to bread. GROSS.

I think it's a huge problem, but the bigger problem is that it won't go away. A lot of jokes are made today and at least half of them are racist, but we don't realize it.

This is very true, it might be good to help other countries out, but we definitely need to get everything figure out in our country first because as of right now we aren't doing to so well and we can't just keep dishing our money out to other countries when we don't even have enough to pay China back.

I think that the westward expansion was worth even though the journey there was rough you could get a lot a freee land and start from something new and it was a very good experience.

It was a good insentive to come to America also because we had a lot of freedom and we were rising with painters and writers and many things like that.

That's one of the reason we have so many national parks today because he wanted to preserve the land. Yellow Stone National Park hold many things that are untouched, such as land and animals.

I agree I was reading things from the Progessive Era and it said that they used to use spoiled animals and vegetable to make food. And added water to wines to make it last longer, along with adding chalk to bread, it's discusting. I'm glad they made that reform because a lot of diseases were cause by unsanitary things too.

I agree people also move out west today for different reasons. People with a lot of money move West to buy bigger houses or to be around the ocean or if you are looking for different jobs that pay more going out West will give you that like California.

I think this kind of imperialism was good becuase helping other countries out is a plus for us, then they are on our side if anything were to happen to us.

No, I don't think that racism ended once Barak Obama because president even if it is minor I feel like we will always have racism, it's right, but it is always there.

I think it was a very good choice for America do build the Panama Canal, we got credit for it and it is a huge part of todays world becacuse it is used as our main shipping source in todays world

Me too I don't think it should be allowed and did you know that Nike uses child labor? I dont think this is right if children are working they should at least have better working conditions for them.

I agree with you andrew, the Panama Canal is our main shipping source, it made things a lot easier and faster back in the day and still plays such a huge role in our world today.

I agree with you madison becuase people really wanted the free land in America, I would too, people also came for their own freedoom and America was rising and becoming more popular with musicians and writers.

I disagree zack, we are an imperialistic country. We definitely force things on other countries and most of the time it is for the better. Some countries right now are doing so well because we force our things onto them.

I agree with your post we are an imperialistic country, but sometimes I think that we might push too hard on other countries, it can be good when we do but not all the time.

What do you think would happen if we pulled away from China instantly and didn’t use them in our economy at all? This would be a bad move to make because we have become so reliant on China that if we backed out and didn’t use them for goods and other things our country would go downhill. We depend on China just like they depend on us we trade each other goods, we might be able to pull away slowly, but even then it would be hard.


Even though the journey in the Westward Migration was cruel would you still leave everything you had to get new free land? It would be hard leave everything you have, but if I had people to go with or help me out on this journey I would definitely go out and get new land. Most other places in America had lots of people it would be a good experience to get out and try and start out with nothing such as making your own house and things like that.


How did the Renaissance change people’s perspectives from a one dimensional view of the world to a more global outlook? People realized there was more in the world to do, people became more creative and started becoming artists and musicians. Big artists like Leonardo De Vinci started to become much more popular.


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