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This personal waterfall shows you all of Mbarnard's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

The Reconstruction of the USA was a success in both cases. In both wars for example the other side was using other people for their benefit. In the civil war the south wanted to keep the salves for their own benefit and right after the war during the Reconstruction black people where not equal to white people. Things did not get much better even after a longer period of time we where still segregated from the blacks and they still did not have the same rights as white people. But at the end of the war blacks where still free so the Reconstruction on the civil war was a success. For the war in Iraq it was a success because not only did we win the war but it also helped us find osama bin Laden, so that is another success for the USA

1 point

no it shound't be because than everyone will be doing it and you will get lung canccer more likey.

1 point

ya I like that law that you can carrie a gun it is your right to have some protection if you feel treatened. But if you are just carring one to carry one then i don't agree with that.

1 point

here is a link to to debate on how old do you think you have to be to become the president.

1 point

ya i agree. since they are making all of the money then why shouldn't they be paing higher taxes than us.

1 point

Smoking shouldn't be legal to kids our age and anyone who wants to bye them even if it doesn't have effects all the time it.

1 point

yes i agree with you brent on how abortion is wrong to do. No matter if the mom wants to have to baby. If she doesn't want to have it than why don't the at least have it removedd from the mom.

1 point

My debate was about why do you have to be 35 or older to become the president. The reson you have to be 35 is because they want you to have some more understanding with how they run the goverment. But i think that it should be up to the people who they want to vote for no matter how old they are and if they have a good understanding. I they like them than why can't they vote for them.

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