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Levia1's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Levia1's arguments, looking across every debate.
0 points

The reconstruction after the civil war was a success because it freed slaves, reunited the country, rebuilt the south, and allowed any land owning educated man to vote.

The Iraq reconstruction was similar because we changed their government to a democracy, and rebuilt their country after destroying it

1 point

i don"t think we need a voter id law because there aren't that many cases of voter fraud; voter fraud is the reason that some people want a voter id law. i think it is because some people are afraid they will not get a vote. there has only been about 86 cases of voter fraud

1 point

i don"t think we need a voter id law because there aren't that many cases of voter fraud; voter fraud is the reason that some people want a voter id law. i think it is because some people are afraid they will not get a vote. there has only been about 86 cases of voter fraud

2 points

it's not like you don't like to golf when he golfs he is having a meeting

2 points

why does everyone hate on obama he got left with the crap that bush left him. he started in the hole people voted for him at first but know they change their minds it is not his fault people cant decide what they want.

1 point

the zoo makes it so that a lion cant break the glass she was never in any danger.

1 point

there is nothing wrong with wearing an article of clothes it is also a from of free speech

2 points

the death penalty is fine if you have a life sentence and there is know way to get out of it you should be given the death penalty.

at the same time our government is very hypocritical. we kill someone because they murdered people if thats not hypocritical i don't know what is.

2 points

i agree it is not a very harmful drug. in the long run it is more healthy then soda. if you smoke one thing of weed it is less harmful then drinking one bottle of coke a day

1 point

obama hasn't done anything wrong he is trying to clean up the mess that bush left

2 points

yes it wouldn't be fare if it was closed. the government would control everything

1 point

if you aren't disrupting anyone else it is fine but it is not OK if it is led/held by the school

1 point

has he really done anything wrong we got left with what bush did which was worse then what he is doing he is trying his best to bring the country out of the ground.

1 point

they would be great if they could really monitor what we did because kids might just play games on the computers and not do work

1 point

they wont come back, if anything we helped there country more then we hurt it. the only reason they would is we were there for no reason.

1 point

Canadians aren't harmful we have never Had problems with Canada. the main problem is with Mexico that is the border they need to watch

1 point

it should be cased still. If you don't have it cased how is a law enforcement officer supposed to know it isn't loaded. they could arrest you for if they think it could be loaded

1 point

it is fine if you were raped but other then that it shouldn't be used. but you cant single out people and only say only rape victims can get abortion. the country is based off equality.

1 point

you want to tax them now but if you ever get rich you will think the other way. tax them about the same this is soupose to be a equal.

1 point

If we did not sign the bill of rights our country would not be able to function. I think our government would be a democracy the people would have no say in anything. The government would be in complete control and would get rid of anyone saying against them. There would have been a huge fight because people were scared that they wouldn't get one so by not having one people would be really mad.

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