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Kstokdyk1's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Kstokdyk1's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

OK but like I said we need I little of both, people that know what to look for in the future and people that remember what happened in the past, so they can both reach a compromise to fix what is wrong with this country

1 point

Well, maybe it's a little of both now that I think about it...because we need the Liberals to help us fix the economy too

1 point

Well, i was talking about the government NOT the things we have today. In the past we had the Great Depression, and if we look at what they did then, we will be able to bounce back from the resession today. Plus, i think spending money on people that don't care about having a job and don't have one shouldn't happen because that's making the economy worse.

0 points

Conservative because they can look at what happened in the past and use that information to help us with our economy.

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