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Kstokdyk1's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Kstokdyk1's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

Both reconstructions took a while to happen. Hopefully, the Iraq reconstruction will be successful

1 point

I do agree that we are fighting against other countries, not ourselves

0 points

The reconstruction was a success because we are united today and there isn't as much fighting

1 point

We need to have ID voter laws that way we know if the people are who they sat they are. That way, no one can cheat

0 points

Agreed. If we didn't pay them that much, we would have more money that could go towards things that need it. And people wonder what the United States is millions in debt.

0 points

I second that! Walker is the best! He did so much for Wisconsin in about a year, imagine what he could do if he was president for four. That would be amazing. Walker for president!!!!!!!!

0 points

Agreed! I hate when people are always making out in the hallway. Get a room! I don't care either if they're straight, lesbion, or gay, it's gross when they're making out in public

2 points

If i was the little girl, I would be freaking out! I wouldn't be just standing there looking at it. They are lucky that the glass didn't break. If it broke, the little girl might've died or worse.

2 points

Walker is helping Wisconsin. If people would just give him more time, he could do even more. Think about it. In about a year, Walker has helped everyone. Don't believe me? Then go check out his wesite. Then you can see what he has in store for Wisconsin.

Supporting Evidence: Scott Walker (
1 point

They don't have the same rights. After they are let out of jail, the government restricts what they can do. That's what petitions are for. They can get a petition if they are good, but if they have bad behavior, they go back to jail.

1 point

Strongly agreed!!!!! They're killling innocent babies. There are ways to pervent you from having babies. You could take birth control pills. Even then, I don't like it but it's better then having an abortion. Think about it, there are mothers that are killing their babies just because they made bad decisions.

1 point

Yeah, they are faking a lot of the signatures, like one is Hitler and another is Mickey Mouse. That's screwed up! Plus to make it look ligit, they add adresses that arn't even their's. People get a life!

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