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This personal waterfall shows you all of Kmanzeck's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

i dissagree as an owner of a company, i do not want your irresponsible kid to use my machinery and get hurt or ruin it plus kids do not deserve money because they dont work as hard as they should.

1 point

I agree. I think your kid should stay at home or in school and use the strong people for the companies

1 point

For owning my own company, i want to have older people who will actually work harder and faster. Kids are useless to me

1 point

If we get rid of minimum wage, then we wont have enough money to get new machinery, its better we stick with minimum wage for now until my company has everything it needs to be safe.

1 point

Thats what i'm talkin about. we earn and deserve the money anyways, if it was not for us owning companies, others wouldnt have jobs so i don't know why they are complaining

1 point

If you only want to work a 40 hour work week, i can guarantee no one will want you to work for them. In order to stay in business, you need to work. Beggars Can't be Choosers!!!!!!

1 point

this time period is not about spending time with family its about being able to afford a family and if you dont want to work, we can find someone else for our company. stop complaining at least you have work to do

1 point

if we cut you guys down on hours, you are losing money, and so are we. The whole company does. There are alot of businesses to compete against, so if we slack, our business will stop and you will be left with no jobs.

1 point

Your family will have to work together to support themselves. This is a job, and its better than not having one at all. Why are you complaining about hours? If i dont have enough employees working more hours, we will lose customer interest and no one will have jobs.

1 point

i agree on this because all it is going to do if we take back hours is lose service, money, and more people will be upset. would you rather have a job with more hours or no job at all?

1 point

I agree on the minimum wage being a business worker because we will need money to keep towards the company and company equipment. We have tons of worker sto pay and still need to pay electrical bills and bills to run the equipment

1 point

I disagree. We all need money to support our families. All of us have families and the only way we will ever be able to afford food and shelter is work. We won't get anything by arguing. We have to learn to put our best into our work and work hours and deal with the stress for now.

0 points

I agree, because we have to be able to make money to keep our businesses running. In order to do so it would help if we worked more hours.

1 point

Clay, being an owner of a Business, we don't have time to complain. We are doing everything we can to keep our business on top of others so we can sell more products. If we sell more, you have the chance of getting paid more but this also involves us having to make our employees work more and think of new ideas so our business does not go bankrupt. I understand you have a family we all do but you just have to think of it as in a way of helping your family live and try not to complain. I have a business to run, not little kids to worry about.

1 point

Being a business owner, I want my employees to work as much as they can because we need to always be on top of the new trends and earning as much money as we can.We have prophets to be made and also our employees have a chance of getting paid more money if they decide to put all their efforts into working hard and long days.

1 point

I disagree with having a 40 hour week. That is not enough for me because I would rather work more hours to get more money. I won't make enough money working only 40 hours a week. We won't make as much products to sell only working 40 hours. The more we make with the time were given, the more people are going to want our products.

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