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1 point

I agree with the points you make about how both substances can ruin a person's life, but prohibiton will not work. If people want to drink and do drugs, they are not going to not do it because the goverment told them to. They are going to it whether it's legal or not.

1 point

Prohibition will never work. It was a failure in the 1920's and obviously still does not work in this counrty. If people want to do drink and do drugs they are going to find a way to do them. Also, they can say they are not doing drugs but actually be doing them. THere are always ways that people can around prohibition. I don't get why the country even tries. I think it is a good thing they are trying to prohibit things that have bad effects on people, but it will never work. Making alcohol and drugs illegal will make want to do it more and rebel against the rules. I think that it is good the country is trying to stop it but I don't think it will ever work becasue people will be people and go against it.

1 point

I think the triangular trade route was good because it allowed us to have a better economy. By trading things like this, we bought things that we could not make or get in America. It was a good thing.

1 point

I think that we didn't know about all the things that can harm the enviroment back then, so we didnt take the precautions neeeded. Soon, we are going to be running out of things that we need.

1 point

I think that the US would be less strong because we depend on them alot. If we stopped relying on them, our country would go downhill and they would rise up.

1 point

Yes I think I would. The population, like you said was less and that means there would be more jobs and less competition for them. Overall, I think moving to the west would be good.

1 point

I think racism is also a big problem. I think that racism will always be present. We really can't stop it. People are going to think what they want to.

1 point

The progressive era was a very good time for us. It gave workers decent wages and hours and also gave us better food.

1 point

I agree. I don't get why the journalists did that. Did they want us to go to war? They should have not made up those things about the Spanish people. It was not necessary.

1 point

I think it is good that people started moving west. I think that people moving west let them have a new life and maybe get them off on the right foot.

1 point

This is very good. This means that more people have gotten jobs and can support themselves and their families better. YAY!

1 point

We are always helping people even if they didn't ask for our help. I think that we think that we always need to be the one to help everybody else.

1 point

The book The Jungle was good for U.S because like you said, it grabbed the president's attention and got him to do something about it. Without this book, the food today might still be made with things that food should not be made with.

1 point

Yes i think that the Progressive era was good. Sometimes it was a little rough, but it gave us good benefits. It protected children and also helped to better the quality of our food.

1 point

Yes! We are always poking into other countries situations and then trying to be the good guy and help them. We should be worrying about ourselves a little more than countries that are doing fine.

1 point

The goverment using propaganda to get the soldiers in the war was not fair. They didnt even know what they were fighting for and they went to the war. I don't think the goverment should have taken advantage of the men like that.

1 point

I agree. Yes, we do help other countries but sometimes we shouldn't. We always think that our way is the best and that everyone should be like us. When we help, we force them to do things our way.

1 point

This link shows that the US is still imperialistic. We have helped some people when we choose to help them, but mnay othr times we have not been helpful.

Supporting Evidence: Imperialism (
1 point

I think that after the food reform, the quality of our food has gotten better. I don't get in the first place why people were putting all that nasty stuff into our food and thinking it was ok. It is a good thing we have a food reform becasue otherwise I think we would have more health problems today.

1 point

I agree with you. The US is obvioulsy still imperialistic. In in an article about the war in Iraq, it say that the United States is not being imperialistic in the classical sense of trying to set up colonies, but we still have a military presence in Iraq. This shows we are still imperialistic.

1 point

I agree with you also. Child labor is more controlled today. That is a good thing because I don't think that children should have to work in those conditions.

1 point

I agree with this. The buisiness owners got to sit back and collect money while people and children worked very hard for hours on end. It was not fair.

1 point

I agree with you. I think that the countries used propaganda to get men to volunteer for the war. They didn't really know why they were fighting, except for the reason of their country telling them to.

1 point

The United States is an imperialistic country. It always has to be in control. Many times in history, the United States have forced its help on people that have not asked for it. The U.S thinks that it is the best country and that every other country should be like In reality, the U.S. has problems of its own and should help its self.

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