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Reconstruction in Iraq:

-Engineers from the military had to help Iraq rebuild their infrastructure, such as running water and electricity

-Provincial Reconstruction Teams: helped Iraqis build a sustainable economy

-Bab al-Sham: industrial center opened hundreds of factories and employed thousands

-Received little infrastructure support from the Iraqi government

-Had US putting in hundreds of billions of dollars to help, along with our troops

-Had to rebuild the South

The Iraqi Rconstruction seems like a failure at this point, as did the US Reconstruction at first. They're still in the midst of repairing but with time everything could still pull together and make for a successful outcome. So as of right now, I think that the Iraqi Reconstruction is a failure but that can still change.

United States Reconstruction: during and after:

-Had to deal fix the dispute between North and South and address slavery

-Presidents were elected according to the problems concerning the unity of the nation

-Lincoln gave the African Americans rights, 40 acres, and a mule

-Hayes recalled the troops and allowed the South to govern itself

-When the Reconstruction ended, the political power the African Americans had won ended too

-Blacks weren’t allowed to vote after the Reconstruction because Southerners did not view them as equals

-The South had to develop a new form of labor that involved machinery rather than the blacks they had put to work previously

-Had to rebuild the South

There were both successes and failures of the Reconstruction. Right after the Reconstruction, the country had to mend itself together. They had to address the slavery and work to modernize machinery and factories in the South. But in the long run, the results of the Reconstruction was a success because it formed the nation we are today.

They should pass the law because it will keep unqualified citizens, ie illegal immigrants, from being able to vote. It makes it fairer in that not one candidate is getting all the illegal immigrants’ votes and that being the reason they win. You should be qualified to be able to vote. It will make sure the people are voting and keep the vote clean. It will prevent fraud.

exactly, maggie. its a free country, its in our constitution that we can express our religion and belifs however we want but when it goes too far, there needs to be a stop to it.

youre right, legalizing it is going to cause more problems with the health of the people of our generation.

OKAY i guess i can see where you are all coming from, but just because they are dead, they still didnt get the punishment they deserve which sounds really ironic because, its death...

ha yeah i am(: whatever, you might think hes overreacting but he does know what theyre like. talk to him about it sometime, its not overreacting to make drama, he has reasons for it.

2 points

exactly! and its not okay, so why give teens the idea that it is? i just dont think that legallizing it is a good decision.

ummm....just dont say it anymore(: yes, some people overreact when they hear it but theres probably a reason for it. since you know what mentally disabled children are like, you can relate to how it makes some people upset when they hear the word "retarded", right?

of course thats not safe, and you are sitting behind me & last i checked youre not a serial killer? im just saying that on terms of punishment, life sentence is worse than death becuase then they have to live with the decisions that they made til they die. id rather JUST DIE!!

yeah it really isnt fair. the thing is, i can kind of see where it was better with DADT becuase it protected them...

“The "don't ask" part of the DADT policy specified that superiors should not initiate investigation of a service member's orientation without witnessing disallowed behaviors, though credible evidence of homosexual behavior could be used to initiate an investigation.”'t_ask,_don't_tell's just a good way to cope with losing or supporting someone with breast cancer and if it helps people deal with that, theres no way that it shouldnt be legal.

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