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Carmello1515's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Carmello1515's arguments, looking across every debate.

that is not what i meant i meant that the law was good in some cases but bad because people could get killed.

Hey FYI learn how to spell it is spelled FOUND not fount. so dont comment if you cant spell.

oh here is another copy and paste so im not the only one so dont copy and paste if i cant do it you cant

ohhh you copied and pasted its a big deal sombody should see this

abortion is wrong that is kind of bad but good and sometimes ok i guess

Mitt Romney will win because he will do more for the states and he might be able to take us out of the hole and actually do something right.

0 points

Same-sex rights in Canada have come a long way since 1965. It was then that the Supreme Court of Canada upheld a ruling that labeled Everett Klippert a "dangerous sexual offender" and threw him in prison for admitting he was gay and that he had sex with other men. thats disgusting...


so many more people ar going to get killed and it will just be bad but good at the same time. so i think im more torwards the no side so i say no to the conceled carry law...

i agree because if we would have left them there i dont know what would have happend to all the marines in iraq.

The 2008 U.S. presidential elections brought new attention to the debate over the North American Free Trade Agreement, or NAFTA, the free trade bloc uniting Canada, Mexico, and the United States. The Canadian, Mexican, and U.S. governments all broadly support NAFTA, but while campaigning the leading U.S. Democratic presidential candidates, Hillary Rodham Clinton and Barack Obama, said they wanted to renegotiate aspects of the deal.

Okay so if someone was going to buy a house then they would need the computer to look at it and see how many bedrooms and all that stuff. Then if they want to go take a look inside they need to use the computer to email or use a phone to call the seller and ask for a view of the house that they were looking at on the computer.

Computers help us a lot because if we didn't have them we couldn't learn about stuff that isn't in books and we wouldn't be able to search for information on a specific topic and just be able to learn. so without computers we would be pretty dumb...

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