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Benwentz6's Waterfall RSS

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1 point

Exactly. We should stop fraud before it even happens. We also dont need i.ds to take away the rights from eligable voters.

benwentz6(18) Clarified
0 points

He wasnt really contradicting himself, he was just explaining both sides of what he thinks. If we should or should not have the voter i.d's.

benwentz6(18) Clarified
1 point

So why are we argueing if we are on the same side? We both think we dont need voter i.d's right? Because thats what I am trying to say.

1 point

Nobody is forced to get an i.d. So they shouldnt be used to vote. Every citizen has the right ot vote. Thats that. BAM.

1 point

What do you mean illegally voting? You can illegally vote in many different ways. And people illegally vote.. I dont know how often but it happens. Nobody just gets caught.

2 points

Sure but how many cases of voter fraud has their been in all of history? None. Just sayin'. I do think we need some sort of I.D but I dont think if we had it or not that it gives either side any better chance of winning.

2 points

Yes, but the president kind of has the right to pass that law. So it does have to do with who we think should or would be president.

0 points

I think we should use birth certificates or some other form of identification that every U.S citizen owns because not everyone gets a licence. Not everyone has to get one so why should they use that as the only way to vote? I think if they did do this, a lot of people wouldn't be able to vote and they would be upset and start a riot or some stuff like that. BAM.

1 point

The reconstruction of the United States was a success because Abraham Lincoln had freed the slaves and ended slavery. But discrimination was still strong. I think since they were freed, the discrimination got worse than it was before. But economically, we reconstructed extremely well. There were some good things and some bad things that happened during the reconstruction period but overall it was a success for the United States. BAM.

1 point

We should stop relying on foreign oil sources and come up with our own natural resources.

1 point

How do you feel about the billions of dollars we spend on foreign aid when we need the money to help our own Americans who are living in poverty?

1 point

If the murderers victim wouldve had a concealed weapon, they wouldve had a chance to protect themselves. Then we would not be supporting the murderer in prison and he would be dead saving us alot of tax dollars.

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