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Badskater47's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Badskater47's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

I think that we need to keep progression going but go back and repeal at the same time to keep citizens form going insane because at this rate many things can fail and make the united states go down the drain and for having many countries control us.

1 point

cut back on hours just brings you're pay and mine down if you would like to work more for less wage you get the same amount of money and it all works for everyone iget paid and so do you but advancing production brings money to 1. the goverment for economy and 2. less crime 3. and money to epand the company and get more works and the list rolls over again. more money lesser crime and many of you dont have lifes already so more work can keep you occupied. from wealthy business

1 point

cut back on hours just brings you're pay and mine down if you would like to work more for less wage you get the same amount of money and it all works for everyone iget paid and so do you but advancing production brings money to 1. the goverment for economy and 2. less crime 3. and money to epand the company and get more works and the list rolls over again. more money lesser crime and many of you dont have lifes already so more work can keep you occupied. from wealthy business

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