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This personal waterfall shows you all of TorisW's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

As a business owner, we need pinketons. All you unions are doing is disrupting the public, so why not bring the pinkertons in? Us business owners are just doing business, so why protest when your just disrupting?

1 point

I disagree, because the unions are starting it. As a business owner we gave you all jobs, money, clothes and shelter which is more than enough. So why get angry and mad also annoying when your working for us and have a job?

0 points

Why should pinkertons treat the unions better when the unions are being loud and noisey and have no right to disrupt the business or the owners? So as a business owner, the unions are loud and annoying, then we bring in the pinkertons

1 point

As a business owner, I think there should be pinkertons. The unions are just trying to annoy the owners bout the industries, so to keep the unions off the property then pinkertons should come and do somthing about the unions with all there loud annoying noises and kick them off. The business owners are just trying to do business and the unions are just getting in the way.

1 point

Well as fore this argument, the workers/ slaves shouldnt giv attitude or any problems. Yes they need the money so they should work hard for it no matter what happens, because they need food and clothes, so if the work, they get it

1 point

Im fore, so if the workers want to have money and earn it themselves they should suck it up and deal with the issues no matter the cause

1 point

I'm against because the employees should work more hours than 40 hours. Being a business owner means your employees working more for you no matter the cause. Also, if the person wants a job and wants to work for you then they should accept the fact to work more hours without complaining and whining.

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