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This personal waterfall shows you all of Ericka's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

Jordan you are toatlly right. What did the animal ever to the person?? Even if it was for religion that is horrible. Domestic Animals depend on humans for survival, they need us to live, so we should take care of them.

1 point

and people in the country think its cool to be bad person. People should just start raising their kids right so that they dont end up being the person who thinks doing illegal things is cool.

1 point

Yea, and people wear necklaces with crosses on them and no one has a prablem with that....

plus they weren't disrupting anything, they were just standing up for what they believe.

1 point

Agreed. And they do not have to keep it, there is this thing called adoption......

1 point

Then Ill have some cookie dough then! But the movie will have a good meaning to it.

1 point

I totally agree. And now that you mentioned that movie I really want to see it :)

1 point

I totally agree, they should be beaten just like they do to kids. Then go to jail for a very long time.

1 point

Women do have the right to live but babies do to. There are probably many things people can do to help the pregnancy along. Babies can survive if they are premature, so if they really have to they can have it early.

1 point

I agree with Mandy and Karley, if you look past their skin we all have the same insides and everyone has feelings so eveyone should be treated the same way.

Also if African Americans made white people slaves in Africa people would say that was wrong, but it is ok for blacks to be slaves?

1 point

Exactly, he has done more good than bad. Oue economy hasn't gotten worse so why are people so agaisnt him? I think that WI has to give him more time, and if things start going bad then MAYBE he could be removed, but that's only a maybe.

1 point

I believe this too, Our country was founded on God so why should we start going agaisnst him? There is nothing wrong with the people, just their beliefs are what I do not like. I also agree that they should not show PDA in the hallways, but that also goes for anyone.

1 point

You are right, the major ones like the murderers and rapists should not be let out jail at all, because if we let them they will just go back to doing what they did before.

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