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1 point

I think that if the government is going to take money away from people they should have to take it from everyone, not just a certain group.

1 point

I agree, I think that they should be able to come to America because they will work more hours than Americans want to work. They will work longer and get paid less. American are compaining because they think that they are working to many hours and not paid enough.

1 point

Yes, but if immigrants are willing to work harder than Americans then they should be able to come here. I think that they should be able to come here because they are willing to work hard and get paid whatever I want to pay them. If you want your job back then you have to prove that you will work a lot harder then what they are working.

1 point

I am for the immigration reform because being a business owner I can pay them less because they are immigrants. They will be happy making whatever I choose to pay them. I also think this is a good idea because it helps me find better working people and stronger people the will get the job done faster. I want the job done as fast as possible so I can make more money.

1 point

I think that if they are willing to work long ours and have a tough job you should let them. Plus, the more ours they work the more money they will bring home and that will help the family even more.

1 point

Yes but dont you want your kids to help out and bring money home to support the family. I think that the kids should go out and get a job to help bring in money.

1 point

I am against this bill because as a business owner I want everyone that is willing to work to be able to work. Especially kids because they will do more because they give in more to pressure and I can pay them less than an adult. Kids should be able to choose if they want to work or not and if they want to work then let them work. They are trying to help out with their families.

1 point

Then those children shouldn't be working and if they chose to work that is their problem. They are also getting paid for their work so they should complain.

1 point

The business owner should be able to pay you whatever they feel like because if you dont work very hard then they should be able to pay you less. I think that they should be able to pay you whatever they think that you earned.

1 point

I agree, I also think that the amount of money we pay a worker should depend on the level of work that they do. If they work hard then they should get the full $7.25 but if they do not work very hard then we should be able to pay them what we think they earned. To keep my business running I wanted the people who work the hardest and work hard all the time. Those people will then get paid the full $7.25

2 points

I disagree because what if you are not a very hard worker. If you don't work very hard them I am losing money by paying you when I could find someone else who will work harder and I can pay them the same as I pay you. I think the amount of money you make an hour should depend on how hard and how much you work.

1 point

Yes we are wealthy business owners, but you will have more money if you work more hours. You are getting paid for all of the hours you work. If you bring home more money your family will be happy because you will be able to afford more things

1 point

Being a wealthy business man, I want to make as much money as I can so I want to pay my workers very little. I want to pay them the least amount possible because if I pay them more them I'm just losing money that should be im my pocket.

1 point

I am a wealthy business man and I think that the 60 hour week is better because they are getting paid for working and if they work longer, the business will be better because it is up and running longer. I want my business to make money and by having people work longer we can get ahead of schedule and make more than other companies. By making more product the company itself can be better because it will have tons of money that it can use to upgrade and make it able to run better.

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