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Zlederer's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Zlederer's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

i believe the reconstruction was a success because the north and south were reunified, it also freed the slaves and gained more rights

0 points

the reconstruction was a success because it freed the slaves and united the north and south.

1 point

we should have the voter id laws because if we don't people can vote multiple times for the same person to make them win.

2 points

prohibition doesnt work because when they tried to do it against alcohol they kept making it because it was illegal if we prohibit marijuana people will still sell it and there will be more problems. if the government just legalizes marijuana there would be less drug wars and drug problems. if the government legalized it they would make a lot of money off of the taxes like they do on cigarettes and alcohol.

1 point

some explorers left because they had religious differences or they wanted to leave because of freedom

1 point

its still there because people think there better than others

1 point

i believe that if their 18 and its their girlfriend and not some random person that they should be dropped but if its some random person they should be charged

1 point

i agree with you and i dont think racism will ever stop because kid inherit things from their parents

1 point

i agree with you that it should have never happened because the assassination didn't even matter

1 point

i think its a good way to study but if your on other sites and getting distracted then it isnt

1 point

i support that because if a person doesn't want a site why are they on it in the first place

1 point

i agree with you because the yellow journalists just wanted to sell papers and they wanted flashy headlines

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