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Twosisters99's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Twosisters99's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

No because the government shouldn't be over our shoulder on every thing we do. The people need their personal space. The government needs to trust us. They just can't be looking at our personal information on the internet. There is Facebook and Twitter. Would you want the government to know everything you post and see what you are talking about with people. If the would they could put regulations on stuff we do. Do our people really want that? I don't and I hope the government doesn't take over the internet.

1 point

No because the government shouldn't be over our shoulder on every thing we do. The people need their personal space. The government needs to trust us. They just can't be looking at our personal information on the internet. There is Facebook and Twitter. Would you want the government to know everything you post and see what you are talking about with people. If the would they could put regulations on stuff we do. Do our people really want that? I don't and I hope the government doesn't take over the internet.

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