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This personal waterfall shows you all of Tmalone's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

The difference between now and then is in 1920s when they banned alcohol it was legal before they banned it. Marijuana was never legal, due to its harmful effects.

1 point

If we wouldn't have prohibition on marijuana the US could tax the profits of the weed business. It would be like a cash crop. If the US would put a tax on that was just ten percent they could make millions.

1 point

Prohibition of alcohol is bad for the economy due to all the breweries we already have in the united states. Many people would out of a job.

1 point

I think if it is legalized or not people will get it if they really want it. I thinkm it should only be legal for medicinal reasons. Some people could live a little longer with less pain.

1 point

Muckrackers have helped pass many laws and give different ethnic groups and women freedom.

1 point

I disagree because we were trying to make people more like us. This is being imperialistic. If we wouldn't get involved we wouldn't be imperialistic.

1 point

I agree because if Britan lost we would be out money. The Germans also shot one of our boats taking them supplies.

1 point

I disagree because I think that e were imperialistic because we wanted other countries to be like us.

1 point

Europeans started to colonize the US due to competion of power. The maps started to fill out.

1 point

Racism has been present forever on everything. It has been started through rumors or just through hate. An example could be during WW1. The Germans were hated through rumors. During the progressive era many immigrants were hated, such as the irish.

1 point

This year in the current events we discussed the US pulling out of Iran. Do you think this was a good idea considering all of the oil we get from them.

1 point

I agree with you because america was making people frantic believing wwhatever they read.

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