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1 point

But that means that the prohibition law didn't work if the gangs went against the government. Government is meant to control/guide the people.

1 point

Prohibition has been an issue in the United States for alomst 75 or 80 years now. The government has made laws that makes drugs and alcohol illegal, but people still want/need the stuff so they do it anyways. Our government doesn't enforce the laws very well either so then no one gets caught. There is no point in having a prohiition on something if no one follows the law. The government either needs to enforce the laws more or just get rid of them because there is no point in having a law if no one enforces or follows it.

0 points

You're right Meghan. People should be getting in trouble for it but they aren't. Our government and law enforecements need to enforce the laws more so people will get caught for doing drugs and everything else.

1 point

I totally agree with you Meghan. Racism is always there, no one will ever get rid of it. Just because we have a black president doesn't mean that all of a sudden racism stopped.

1 point

It's not just for the money there its more for the economic reasons. But, I do agree with you, America is very imperialistic.

1 point

That is horrible though. I mean did they ever think when they were between the ages of 7 and 12 what they were doing. Well whatever it was they probably weren't being forced to work in dangerous factories. They really should have thought about forcing kids to work before they did it.

1 point

If Lewis and Clark would not have went exploring we probably wouldn't have everything that we do now. Maybe we wouldn't live here, have the same material for clothes, eat the same food, or who knows. It would be so different.

1 point

And it's a good thing that we had the useful equipmet to build the Panama Canal because without it who knows what kind of transportation we would have today.

1 point

Was imperialism good or bad though? Wasn't it sometimes a cause of war? Should America stay imperialistic?

1 point

Exactly that's what I think. We would not have been able to get our independence back if Germany would have won. Everything would have been different if we wouldn't have fought and won our independence right away.

1 point

Exaclty kids that young should not be put to work. Also, no one ever thinks that kids their age are making our clothes for almost no pay and we take it all for granted. Its horrible. Kids should not be forced to work or allowed to work until they are around the age of 14 or 15 years old.

1 point

Yeah at the beggining they were all happy and excited to go to war. They never realized that war is harsh and bad until the friend they pressured into going to war died right away. Then it really hit them.

1 point

All of these things were good at some point in time, but how come they all were some reasons of wars starting? How did they go from something good to something so bad?

1 point

Is imperialism a good thing though? Nationalism is a good thing but can be bad at times, it can start wars. But what about imperialism?

1 point

Kids that age shouldn't have to worry about supporting their family though. That is not right, it is way too much pressure and stress on the kids. Also, they could get hurt or die at some of the jobs that they were put to do.

1 point

And child labor still exists today in some places. It is horrible, kids should not be put to that hard of work at such a young age. Child labor laws should have been set way earlier than they were.

1 point

It was hard to be an immigrant. Could you imagine moving countries and going in with nothing, then be expected to live and get a job. It is really stressful and immigrants are really tough people for being able to do that.

1 point

It was a good movie. It should us how war really was and we saw how shell shock was in people actually was. War affected a lot of people, especially the people in the war. THis movie explained and showed that really well.

1 point

I agree! The Panama Canal allowed us to create planes, tranes, and many other forms of transportation. We would still be traveling by horse possibly! It is a very good thing that we made the canal. Who knows what it would be like without it.

1 point

I agree, without the Panama Canal it would have taken people more then double the time to send things, trade, and get to other places. This helped form our country into what it is today.

1 point

The movie All Is Quiet on the Western Front shows how life as a German soldier was like. At the beginning it kind of showed how young boys in school got persuaded into war without knowing what it was or even what it was about. They thought it would be fun, and they wouldn’t have anymore school! But, they soon realized that war was intense and you can’t take it as a joke. Once you are in you aren’t getting out. Surviving without going crazy is another thing they had to figure out. (How to calm themselves down when things got bad). All Is Quiet on the Western Front showed a lot of things you wouldn’t really expect in a war; for example, the huge obsession with boots. It gave you a better understanding of many things dealing with war.

1 point index.php/Imperialism/Overview

America has been and always will be imperialistic. We tell other countries what we do and that they should do the same because it is the right way. America is wrong, there is no right way. Each country does their own thing and sees everything in a different way. For example, every single country uses the metric system, except America. Why is that you say? Because we like our way better so we didn’t change. That’s how other countries feel. We shouldn’t be pressuring them into doing what we do if they are functioning just fine by doing what they do.

1 point this tells how children are treated today where there are no child labor laws and how it was back in the day.

There are still places in the world today that make young children work odd jobs and in factories. We can’t imagine that because kids in America don’t usually work until they are 15 or 16 years old and their jobs are just regular everyday jobs that anyone could be doing. They aren’t put into factories and given little to no pay. The weight of supporting a family is not on their shoulders like it is in other countries. Kids here have it so good and we don’t realize it. Other children are working, fighting, and struggling for their lives while we just live ours like nothing is wrong in the world.

1 point

If we never won our independence from Great Britain we would still be in Great Britain, and we definitely would not be speaking English. If our people who traveled and found America hadn’t, and we didn’t fight for our separate “lives” away from Great Britain there would not be such thing as an American. We would be saying things like crumpet or drinking tea every day. Things would be so much different than what they are now.

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