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Svargas's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Svargas's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

I am going to get rid of the minimum wage because I am a wealthy business owner. I can decide what amount to pay my workers. If they dont like it they can just quit because im not changing what I pay them. They should be lucky that they would even be getting just enough money but paying them minimum wage would be just plain dumb because I wouldnt be getting any profit from that. So there shouldnt be a minimum wage because the business owners wouldnt be getting a good profit from minimum wage.

1 point

I disagree with you because you get enough time with your family on the weekend you have the day and night with them. So that shouldnt be an option. If you want to earn more than enough quitting isnt going to help you any. Being a business owner we could easily just cut your pay right now you are making enough money you shouldnt need anymore. We are paying you enough to make our product.

1 point

I am against the 40 hour work week because that cut the work hours too much. Going from 60 to 40 is bad for us as business owners. We arent producing enough product I want to product more and gain more money. If we stick with 40 hours a week then I will just have to cut all of the workers pay. So Im going to just going to cut the workers pay if they dont add more work hours.

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