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1 point

I think that the Iraq Reconstruction was not as sucsessful as the U.S Southern reconstruction because they ar still working on it today. In Iraq they had to rebuild the whole infrustructure including the sewers, water systems, roads, and many other things. The peace is also very disturbed in Iraq with many leaders and different groups, so there is always fighting putting other people that live in Iraq in danger.

1 point

I totally agree with you. I think the biggest sucsess we had was socially because like Makayla had said, today we have a african american/black president. I still agree with her though that there is still alot of segrigation today, I just think it is less forceful and less common. Still, many racist groups occured after the Reconstruction like Hitler, KKK, etc., so we did not totally fix the provlem but we helped make it better than it was before. Politically we were a sucsess with passing new policies that allowed blacks and even women to vote. It allowed citizens to finally have a say in things. The economy had gotton a litlle bit better after slavery was band as they were importing goods instead of slaves then. In total I think the reconstruction could be considered a sucsess, because it took care of all of our issues for that time. Although it makes you wonder if it really was a sucsess as it was supposed to help all of the country's issues for the future, yet today all of the same probllems are coming back up................

2 points

But people have voter fraud even with their I.D. so does it really matter??? Yes it may be a couple less frauds than before the law came out, but it still happens, so why would the government make the middle class spend all of their money to buy a form of I.D. even when the economy is the way it is?? The government is laready trying to get the middle class to spend money but it's not going to happen when they are spending it on I.d.

sthiel(5) Clarified
1 point

I think that we need some type of policy to keep illegal immmigrants from voting, but I don't think that we should make it a law, because generally many people who are American Citizens and are part of the middle class do not have money to buy a form of I.D if they do not have one.

1 point

I think there are many reasons why we should not have voter I.D. laws, one of them being because it can disturb peoples privacy rights. Alot of people do not like certain people to know who they are, butI guess that comes with your on opinion on whether or not you care. I also think that the government should have made a law of everyone owning/possesing a form of I.D. before the voter law even came into play because it costs lots of money to send somebody a birth certifacte or other types of government identification.

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