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Rockstar13's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Rockstar13's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

I agree because it is a free country and we should be able to have a choice if we want to or not ?

1 point

I think voter I.d should be optional cause some people may not be comfortable with giving there picture Or they can't afford it ?

1 point

i thought the construction was considered a sucess back thent,but if we look back at it now i really think theres some things that havent really changed and that should possibly be worked on espicially socially-mariah horn

1 point

i support this because you never hear about voter fraud ,and because i think idt should be opptional if you want yo show your picture or not-mariah horn

1 point

i think voter id is helpful to some people,but to others annoying?i mean you really dont hear about voter fraud so i dont understand why its such a big deall?I think its helpful so you can see the person who is voteing and the stuff about that person includeing any records.-mariah horn

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