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This personal waterfall shows you all of Rhernickle's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

But if people are addicted to something, they won't stop just because it's illegal.

1 point

I agree and think that it would be more effective to outlaw tobacco than the outlaw marijuana.

1 point

I think prohibition can be a good thing for people's health and safety, but that doesn't mean that it works.

1 point

If people really want to do something, then they're going to do it whether it's illegal or not. Making things illegal is just making more problems for the police who have to try to make sure that no one is drinking.

1 point

I think prohibition more doesn't work. A lot of times, people will want to do something just because it's outlawed. So with prohibition, there may be more people who drink or smoke. Also because of prohibition, there may be more riots because people would be angry with the prohibition.

1 point

Internet can be good or bad depending on what you use it for. If it's your source of news, how you talk to people you already know, use it for work/school projects, the internet can be kind of neccesary. But if you're going around and meeting random strangers online, you don't know who you are really talking to. Someone who says they are your age, or close to, can really be a sexual predator to children or teenagers. When using the internet you just need to be careful about what you are doing, or else there could be serious consequences.

1 point

History would be different. If World War 1 hadn't happened, World War 2 wouldn't have for that reason, but it still might have happened. It all depends on the way history would have changed if it did change.

1 point

But if we didn't go through the industrialization, how would we have known that lives could have been lost through the working conditions? It's all about learning from our mistakes.

1 point

The government shouldn't control our freedom of speech, since it is called FREEDOM of speech. But there are certain things that should or should not be said, and I really think that it's up to the owner of the website to handle things if they don't like what is being said.

1 point

I think that they could have the charges dropped, depending on the situation. If the girlfriend consented to it, then yes, the charges should be dropped, if she was nearly 16, which is the age of consent. If she was a around 13, no, because that's just weird anyway. I also think that some people should just make better decisions and then they wouldn't get themselves into trouble like that anyway.

1 point

But there still may be that one person who disagrees with what everyone else thinks, keeping rascism alive.

1 point

"All Quiet on the Western Front" showed the way that people didn't know what they were getting into when they went into the war. They learned that war wasn't all fun and games, that it was serious.

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