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1 point

i dont think if mexico attacked us we be screwed i think it be the other way around

1 point

if the us went to war early we could of prevented alot of deaths.

1 point

i agree with you on,because its true,but not because we wanted more power because we wanted to take what they have.Like OIL.

1 point

People look at us as the bad guys yes,but put it like this,ever seen a fight you could of stoped but didnt because you didnt want to get invalved.Would people hate you more if you just stood there and watched,or helped out and made a difference.

1 point

Theres other ways to show that a country has strength,showing that we will pick a fight with anyone only shows weakness

1 point

Im for walker, i think hes doing good for this state.So we shouldnt recall him.

1 point

i agree even tho he civil war was a bloody battle,it helped our contry get rid of slavery .

1 point

All so the dept they had to pay after that lead them to be very poor.Giveing hitler more of a edge to rise in power

1 point

Censoring the internet will just hurt the contry more and the world.

1 point

america hit rock bottom in 2008 when it came to jobs,its going up now because of the rise in people trying to make jobs and the goverment.

1 point

I agree with you, racisim is wrong,but has been there for thousands of years and is never going to change because there will always be people who dont like equality and think only about them selfs.

1 point

Your right,it shouldnt be looked at as wrong if a women gets a abortion,its there body and they have the right to do what they want to it.

1 point

Imperialism is driven by the ideal of equality and it is having a positive impact on the world today. Because other countries are becoming Americanized due to the inability to hold strong in their cultural beliefs, cultural barriers are diminishing and the world is becoming more equal.And if you think about it ,people are moveing from other countries to america for equality, the pursuit of happiness,jobs,schooling,and loads of stuff,so speading our ideas and ways to other places that already have there people moveing there for the same reasion isnt bad at all.

1 point

. The United States involvement in Panama has been helpful for both countries. Panama has been helped economically with the building of the canal, and the ideal of democracy made their government democratic. American imperialism is benefiting the world in the cases of Puerto Rico and Panama, but it is also benefiting the world culturally. Ideals of equality, pursuit of happiness, democracy, and prosperity are evident in the attempts to make the world a better place.

1 point

The effects of United States imperialism have been positive because the ideal of democracy has been spread to the countries of Panama and the Philippines, and other cultures continue to be influenced by American politics, economy, and culture.

2 points

I am a 7 year old boy,i live with a small family and we never get to see each other because we all work.I work 60 hours a week for 6 days straight.Its very dangerous where i work, and the machines are to big for my little arms.I agree on 40 hours a week, so i could see my family more and maybe go to school to get a education.

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