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Michaelbiren's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Michaelbiren's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

The iraqies oil industry droped when we invaded and it still hasnt gone back up so now not as much money is going into iraq so they cant finance theselves.

1 point

The reconstuction of the Middle East was and is a major failure! in iraq we said that iraq can finance its own reconstruction by its oil fields. after we pulled out their oil industry went down and we didn't finance them emough to get started.

2 points

They are so necessary because is we dint have them people would want to vote more than once. If eldery and minorities really wanted to vote they would get an id. What are some of the other laws that could replace this one? if there was a better law we would already have it in place.

0 points

i guess that sucks for obama then if his voters dont have ID's. If they really wanted to vote they woould get one.

2 points

true dat lil buddy. i agee completely! and with any law inplace there will always be a problem

1 point

But if you really wanted for someone to win an election it might not be a bad idea to go with a huge group of people and vote over and over again.

1 point

I agree with cole completely! if voter ID wasnt required anyone could vote more that once and with any law that you put inplace there will always be problems with that law.

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