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Mekultgen's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Mekultgen's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

I believe that the constution is equal for everyone it even for the government and the people because the people have rights that the government can't take away and the government has laws that make the people can't do.

1 point

I think the governmet should only look into people who got kick off a website for something thats inappropriate and not look into people who have done nothing wrong

1 point

I also believe that the government is taking away our freedom of speech if they dont let people speak their minds on social websites.

1 point

I believe the government should look only into internet sites that have suspicious activity and that how they should control the internet.

2 points

I agree with you because the internet should be control little bit more but we should have some privacy too

1 point

I have one question for you. Do you even care if the government goes into your facebook or other social places on the internet and looks at your private info.

1 point

I say it depends on how they are gonna control the internet like are they gonna restart the whole internet by deleting everything on the internect. Also I dont want the government looking into my personal stuff on facebook because everyone needs some privacy.

1 point

I believe we should be more strict with people not obeying laws but how would we make it more strict?

1 point

I also believe that the government should benefits the people because the government not just do whatever they want in this country.

1 point

What kind of new laws should be add if we you wanted new laws?

1 point

I believe we should keep the constitution as it is now because if we added more power to other branches than the branches would be unbalance and not equal for everyone in this country.

1 point

The consitution should be kept because I believe its even. The president can't just do whatever he wants because congress has to agree too. I believe that the constitution should also be passed because I believe the government is divided evenly. The government is divided into three parts the legislative branch where the president signs a bill, it becomes a law but Congress have the final say. (It good Congress has the final say because the president should not have all the power.) The second branch is Congress which is made up of hundreds of people. The third branch is the judicial branch that is the made up of the Supreme Court.

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