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Maloner15's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Maloner15's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

What if they weren't born in a hospital? They wouldn't have a birth certificate.

1 point

Could the government have the system so the people who don't have the photo ID can use personal information like their address? Then it wouldn't be considered voter suppression.

1 point

How does this suppress voters? The government wants to know if the voters are actually citizens.

1 point

The are 3 main things that will affect future reconstructions. Politically, if the government that is reconstructing is corrupt or stable. Socially, if the people are opposing or accepting of reconstruction. Economically, if the reconstructing country invests money into the businesses and fixes the infrastructure.

1 point

The reconstructions of Iraq and the south were both failures and have many of the same problems. Many people want life to be back to the way it used to be(slavery south, Saddam's rule). There are groups that still fight the Americans(KKK south, Al Qaeda Iraq). Lots of people are poor in both countries. Their economy was never fixed. The governments are not the way they would like(south state governments small federal government, Iraq Saddam being the dictator and controlling the peoples lives). These are my reasons why I don't believe the reconstructions weren't successful.

1 point

The northerners did bring back the political boundaries of the US. One thing they didn't fix was the hatred and ideas that still exist today(racism). It can't fully be a success until the opposition is resolved.

1 point

There is groups that oppose the reconstructions today. For Iraq, the main group with hate against the americans and their buisness in the middle east is Al Qaeda. In the south, it is the KKK and they kill black people and don't want change. The reconstructions were not successful because of all the hate by the people. There is still people fighting in both areas.

1 point

The reconstruction wasn't fully a success. Many people in the south are very poor. Their has been lots of racism and it still continues on today.

1 point

There were 4 groups during the reconstruction; white southerners, black southerners, white northerners, and black northerners. The white southerners strongly opposed the reconstruction and also created the Ku Klux Klan, which was a pain for the government because of its radical ways. Black southerners supported the reconstruction because they could get equal rights like owning land and voting(which didn't happen until later on). White northerners were the reason that there was a reconstruction. They wanted to fix the south. The black northerners had the same ideas about the south being reconstructed.

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