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Majerusem's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Majerusem's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

If the government regulates the things we are doing, they can also see you emails, facebook, twitter...So it's not any better than a creeper.

1 point

The government also shouldn't regulate our internet security because if you agree to something like giving your personal information to a website, you should know that anything can happen with that information. It can be passed around and that would be your own fault if something happens because you put it on.

1 point

No, I don’t think the government should regulate internet security. It is your fault if you put something personal online. You should regulate what you put on the internet, and you should have safe passwords that you keep to yourself. The government should also not be allowed to invade our privacy of what we put on the internet. The government already does a lot for us, and they don’t need to protect individual internet security. That would be a lot to take care of! The government shouldn't need to regulate because the business regulates on their own. The business wants their users or customers to come back, so they will protect your personal information. If my personal information was used for something else, I wouldn't go back to that website!

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