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Lkroon's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Lkroon's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

People will still do it and transport it so prohibition doesnt work. Even if we would legalize it there would be problems like with the alcohol after legalizing it. There would be alot of problems with people being high and drunk and not taking care of them selves or others. It would just be crazy in the cities because every one would be either high or drunk at least now they try to hide it when there high and wont cause as much problems.

1 point

They wernt totally lied to because if you went all the way west the land was preaty goo and it was good land with in the middle too.

1 point

That is why the explorers left it was for new land and resorces and for new freedoms.

1 point

That is all they care about they dont care about there people they only care about there power and there money..

1 point

Everything we do we are politing some part of the world so cant we just stop talking about poluting this world because you are just always poluting some part of the world.

1 point

We did need to go through the industrial age or else there would be younger and younger people working in more and more horible places to work.

1 point

We will more than likelly evolve into smarter beings. There are new species being created every year. If we can find out how to harness the energy of a black hole we can transport to diffrent world or universes. And there will be many more wars.

1 point

There is also the way the people just act like americans are fat and blacks are in gangs and mexicans are drugies its just how most of them act.

1 point

There would be a country that wouldve finished it i dont know which one wouldve but they would be a rich country now.

1 point

There will always be racism in any country. There is almost no way to stop it unless you make the people stop thinking about that.

1 point

There still isnt equal rights and there never will be. It wasnt only african americans that gained "rights" it was all sorts of people. The only thing people gained was that they were able to sit together and go to the same places.

1 point

One thing I really followed for current events this year is colective barganing rights for state employees. I think collective barganing is not needed because if the state employees get to bargin why dont other people that work in diffrent places like a store not get bargaining rights? It is time for some of these state employees to pay up like govorner walker said.Tthey have so many rights compaired to the other people to work in this state that we need to get our money back in some way to get the budget deficite lower so we arnt one of the most broke states. So we are going to get money from th bargining rights so we can get some money for more important thing like the roads and more things for the whole state. Here is a link about it.

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