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Leahschuldt's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Leahschuldt's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

I also don't think that the government should be involved with out cyber problems because what if they start to go into all of our things then take from us. We cant do anything about it because who would we tell? They would have an advantage over us because we wouldn't know how to react to it all. If they can protect us and leave it be like that I would be totally with the bill. But if they end up using it agents us what would we do.

1 point

There are parts about the government protecting out internet that I like and that I don’t. I do like that they are taking the steps to taking care of us and our identities and band accounts, but I don’t like about how they were saying that foreign hackers are getting more complex. Even if they do protect our internet they would find a way to break it. I would want to try to protect it then keep building it as we go on and as we find ways to make it stronger. There are more and more attacks on the internet so it is becoming a problem for us. I would take the step to start and protecting the internet for everyone safety.

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