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Kendrakrim's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Kendrakrim's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

I am for the 40 hour work week because I am still able to see my Family, but if I would work 60 hours a week I wouldn't be seeing my Family as much as I would be working 40 hours a week.

1 point

I am for the wage because I need the money to support my family and to take care of them. If I wouldn't be supporting them my Family would be starving every night. My Familys counting on my to have dinner on the table every night. If I didn't it would leave them starving and it would be my fault.

1 point

I am for the Minimum wage of $7.25 because it's better to make that much than letting it go and not being able to support and feed my Family. If I wouldn't take it, I would be starving along with my Family. My Family's going to count on me to be able to support and feed them every night.

1 point

I think a 40 hour week is better than a 60 hour week, because it would give me more time to save money, to see my Family, and to support them. If I would work a 60 hour work week I wouldn't be seeing my Family as much as I would working a 40 hour work week.

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