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Kcicali's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Kcicali's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

i agree with some of this like that british was imperialistic, and that is why the colonies where found. But i really dont agree with when you say we are doing to other countires. The U.S. is the peace keeps in the world. So i dont understand your last part of your post

1 point

i think that this is very true. Our country is always in a war. Somewhere in the world. stopping or trying to stop other countries from fighting.

2 points

high school students sometimes cant find jobs, there for they would do work such as babysitting that wouldnt make that much money, but they are still happy because they are making money, might not be alot of money but it is some money. and for high schooler now a day. if you are under the age of 18 they cant do alot so they cant work at a higher paid jobs. because you cant take tranning or schooling with out your high school deploma. and mimimum wage goes up when other thing( things you need to live) go up.

1 point

if you arent in school, and your family is poor why not work and get money for the family. yes you with get tired, but kids today are tired and they dont do as much as they did back then because of state and federal laws.

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