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Kbeck289's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Kbeck289's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

It is truly not fair to us workers to get the least amount of money. How are we truly sopose to raise a family when we only get very little money. It's not fair when you have all the money in your pocket.

1 point

We need to have a minumum wage because other wise they could scrue us on your pay. We do all the work for them we should at least get a sertten pay. Other wise they would probly only get paid very little amount of money.

1 point

It is the best thing for all the workers it gives us more time with the family and friends and to have time to ourselfs. They should have never put in the 80 hour work weeks because we don't have time for ourself ever.

1 point

It is not fair that you get more profit for the work we do for you and that you dont have to do anything for your money because we do everything for you. It is also not fair that we could get fired because we only want a 40 hour work week.

1 point

It is not fair to us because we have family and why should we have to work harded for you and not get paid more for the work we do and get more days away from work. We should not have to work 60 hours.

1 point

A 40 hour work week is alot better then an 80 hour work week that we had. It took a large toll on the woman and on the childern. The 40 hour work week is the thing that they could do for the workers.

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