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This personal waterfall shows you all of Jsacket's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

South- the south socially was wrecked because everyone didn't have slaves to do their work. The south politically was the same because the political people were the same and had the same thoughts. The economic in the south was bad because their were big plantations lost following the slaves not be slaves anymore.

Iraq- Iraq socially was a lot better because their were less military forces and al-Queda members around. Iraq politically was changing because of the U.S taking out Saddam Hussien for the top of the government. Iraq's economy dropped to the worse because they had to pay the damage of the Iraq war,so they lost money.

1 point

The voters I.D law saying that a person must have a photo I.D to vote. I think that people shouldn’t have to have a photo I.D. People should have the right to vote for anything.Voter suppression instead attempts to reduce the number of voters who might vote against the candidate or proposition advocated by the suppressors. I disagree with that too.

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