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0 points

People are already getting killed over drug wars, because it is illegal. If the government can legally control trade of things such as marijuana, there won't be shady cartels and smuggling. People are already using marijuana on a daily basis, legalizing won't change that. However, the government will make a profit off of the taxes on these people.

1 point

Prohibition is ineffective and makes the government look powerless. During alcohol prohibition, people drank despite laws. Today, a large amount of Americans smoke marijuana on a somewhat regular basis. The government is throwing money on the war on drugs, which is not effective. It costs lots of money to prohibit things, when there is an opportunity to make money off of these things.

1 point

I believe that it could help people, but it is too easy to be abused. It almost impossible to control it and stop it from falling into the wrong hands. If there was a way to control it however, it could be very helpful.

1 point

Once a stereotype stars, it is very hard to stop it. Stereotypes of Jews are still around today. There is a snowball effect and one a stereotype starts and is almost impossible to stop it. It is easiest to try to prevent stereotypes from starting.

1 point

I agree. Because the children weren't in school, they were unable to get an education. Because they couldn't get an education, they were stuck working in a factory their entire life. The cycle continues until conditions are finally improved.

1 point

It is being forced though. The citizens of places like Iraq and Afghanistan can't tell us how they feel about our military presence. Nationalistic journalism just says that they want us there, but we have no way of knowing if this is true. Many of the people shooting at our soldiers are citizens of these countries who don't like our presence.

1 point

It was a good idea. We have plenty of oil here which is cheaper for us. People complain about pumping oil out of the United states and how it ruins the environment, but they turn a blind eye when it is in another country, even though it stills ruins the environment there.

1 point

I don't think that this is fair. We criticized countries like China and North Korea for censoring the internet, but now we are proposing the same thing. It is a slippery slope into an over controlling and overpowering government.

1 point

It was in no way beneficial. It cost money and was very trivial. We just felt like we had to prove our military power, even though there was no reason to do so. It just ruined our relations with other countries.

1 point

I agree. People want recall him just because they don't agree with his political opinions. Many people don't agree with Obama, but that doesn't mean he should be impeached. This is just part of a democratic election. This recall is also costing the state lots of money. Or economy is terrible and we can't afford to spend money on something trivial like a recall election.

1 point

We are in debt hugely, but we are still spending money on things like foreign wars in Afghanistan. Soldiers are dying and nothing is being accomplished but we are still spending money. Our economy is terrible but we are still trying to fix middle eastern economies.

1 point

I agree that Ron Paul should have that nomination, but I don't think it will happen. He has not been ahead in any polls and seems that he is not a favored candidate. His libertarian policies are considered radical by many.

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