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Gabem22's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Gabem22's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

but not all of the hackers are on the internet alot use other methods like scanners and scams over the phone

1 point

The government keeps taking little rights away and after a while, all of these little rights taken away add up and seem like we can't do anything on our own anymore without being monitored

1 point

Mitch, how will monitoring the internet stop hackers? they will just find a way to avoid the monitoring anyway

1 point

Yes agreed with cole, who wants to have people watching every single thing you do on the internet all the time. How about some privacy!

2 points

The only time that they should be able to is if you have a criminal record or something like that

2 points

Looking through what we as citizens look up, the government is taking away some of our rights and it should not be allowed

1 point

im warning you man you better leave this is youre last chance

1 point

the federalists argued that since the power was divided up among three branches, the peoples rights would still be protected

2 points

youre not supposed to be on this you know that right please leave at this moment

2 points

Yes, agreed with MItch, if the president could just veto all he/she wanted, then they would be like a king to the people. The people need to be able to have a say about what they want.

1 point

The federalists wanedt the national government to have more power, while the anti-federalists feared that if the national government had more power, then the power of the people would be taken away, they feared the federal government would be liike a king to the people.

1 point

Once all of the 13 independent states had ratified the new constitution, they came together to become a nation called The United States of America.

1 point

Federalists were for the constitution

Anti-federalist were against the constitution in fear it would give the government to much power

2 points

Constitution and its Parts

A. Preamble-Introduction

B. Article 1-Legislative Branch/make laws

C. Article 2- The Executive Branch/enforces the laws

D. Article 3-Judicial Branch/Interprets the laws

E. Article 4- The States/Federalism

F. Articles 5-7-Amendments,Depts and Ratifications

G. Amendments-1-10 (Bill of Rights)

H. Rest of Amendments 11-37

2 points

Judicial branch-hundreds of members/punishments/ supreme court state and federal

Amendments –a change in the constitution- documents that can be changed

Articles- 7 of them following preamble- part of a paper- section of document

Executive Branch- President, carry out the laws, state and federal

Preamble-before the articles-introduction-setting general principles

Legislative Branch- house of representatives and the Senate-law making

Bill of Rights-citizens rights-federal-constitution first ten amendments-

2 points

The constitution has seven articles three of which pertain to the branches of government, executive, legislative, and judicial

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