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Estruve's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Estruve's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

I think that the Iraq reconstruction is a failure. Because we are STILL in Iraq and were still fighting and were helping them and such but its not really solving the problem.

1 point

I think that the Iraq reconstruction is a failure. Because we are STILL in Iraq and were still fighting and were helping them and such but its not really solving the problem.

1 point

I think that the southern reconstruction was a success. I mean not at first it wasn't that big of a success but once time moved on the blacks got more rights and were considered more as people. They are people.

2 points

But i feel like if people did try and vote twice they would get caught, because you have to say your name and address. and you cant just go to a random town and vote like you need to be on the registry. So they would most likely catch you.

1 point

But what about the people who don't have ID's? like are they just supposed to not vote? Its their right getting taken away because the government wants to have more control over us and try and sway the results.

2 points

I think that There should not be voters suppression laws. At first i thought we should but after reading why should certain people not get to vote just because they don't have an id. I get that there are people who vote twice and everything but i think there could be other ways to solve that problem. Its just another way for the government to have control over everyone. Which isnt okay because this is a "free country"

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