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ericfrank(2) Clarified
1 point

But stewart you think that because the president is democratic that the democratics are to blame when the government is blamed for somethng. The republicans are voting for the law so when you blame the government think of the people who vote for the law and not just blame the democrates just because the president is democratic

ericfrank(2) Clarified
2 points

that doesnt matter because its about electoral votes not popular votes. And no one ilegaly votes in the first place so why change it.

ericfrank(2) Clarified
1 point

you cant get rid of something that doesnt exist. there are almost no reports of ilegal voting so its not a problem so why fix i?

ericfrank(2) Clarified
1 point

People dont cheat now. There have been few if any people caught trying to vote twice. Now racist politicians want to get more votes by taking away the rights directed towards minorities

1 point

We dont need them. There are legal citizens of the U.S. that do not have a drivers licences or photo id's. We are taking away their right to vote. If you say you want voter id laws then you want to take away peoples rights

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