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Ericaschall's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Ericaschall's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

The reconstruction could have been a success or failure depending on who you asked. If you asked people if it was a success or a failure back when it was going on you would get mixed results: Southerners would be against it, Northerners would be for it, and so would the black slaves. But I bet the majority of the people today would have said it was a success, because without it our nation would not have been unified. It unified the nation socially by bringing the North and the South on equal ground, and it also made it possible for the blacks, whites, and women to be treated equal. It unified the nation politically and economically, because it brought the North and South together in one government so it could advance in the economy.

1 point

Due to the U.S. civil war, it divided the nation. The reconstructions’ purpose was to unify the nation and government again. This reconstruction was a success, and it wasn’t very complex compared to the one in Iraq. The reconstruction in Iraq is basically a mess. This reconstruction is an Iraqi civil war with Americans built into it. This war destroyed everything. We are working to rebuild the infrastructure of Iraq, economy, factories, electrical power, government, security, healthcare, sewer, drinking water, etc. This reconstruction is turning very complex, and hopefully it will turn into a success.

1 point

I think that the reconstruction was a success, because it basically reunited the nation. If the South had won the Civil War, slavery would’ve continued, there wouldn’t be a black president today, and peace wouldn’t have been restored. The reconstruction reunited the North and the South in many ways. Also, it gave blacks rights that they didn’t have before.

1 point

Without voter I.D's, it's said that people can vote more than once, but it would be really hard to switch your identity. Plus, one extra vote probably wouldn't make a difference. There have been no fraud cases reported. So why would you need them? You have to show identification anyway. That's just another form of I.D. that you need, and there are rules that voters have to follow as well. This would just be one extra rule they'd have to follow.

1 point

I don't think voter I.D. laws are necessary, because you are opposing more than just the non-citizen voters. The laws are opposing the minority of the elderly and low income democratic groups. Plus, many citizen voters don't even have a voters I.D. When you vote you already have to show various forms of I.D. The voter I.D laws are also dividing the nation greatly, because some states abide by it strongly, but some are the exact opposite.

1 point

I agree completely. If there was no problem with voter fraud, then why would we put the voter I.D. laws into play? Basically, these laws are trying to eliminate the amount of non-citizen votes. But these laws also affect the legal citizens such as the minority of elderly and low income groups. So you are eliminated the fair peoples rights to vote as well.

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