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Emeinnert's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Emeinnert's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

IN Iraq however we are trying to make their country strong again, so that if another dictator comes and tries to take them over they are able to stand up and not let them take control, like Saddam Hussein did.

1 point

I agree with you Makayla, today we still live in a world that is still racially separated, but only in some places. Kids today are growing up with all different races but they have learned to respect them. You made a very good point if the reconstruction wouldn't have occurred we wouldn't have a black president.

1 point

I agree the north mainly just tried to make the south see that slavery was wrong. they did make the country a better place. The north rebuilt the southern economy to bring it back into the country.

1 point

I understand both sides of the voter ID laws. Some reasons for voter ID laws is to avoid fraud and so that the government knows the people voting are legally allowed to vote. Also they are making sure that all votes are valid and people aren't voting multiple times. Some reasons why I disagree with ID laws if because it can be costly. 11% of the population do not have photo IDs, so for the people that do not have IDs they aren't given the right to vote. Which is wrong because everyone should have the right to vote.

1 point

In the south we mainly tried to make the country equal and have the south agree and come back into the country again. However, in Iraq we mainly tried to rebuild the country to make them able to stand up and fight back if they ever get encounter a dictator again. With these 2 examples of reconstruction I think that it is a success, we are using some of our money to rebuild them, but we are making the country a better place to live.

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