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This personal waterfall shows you all of Eharpstead's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

There is no perfect solution. If it was a perfect world, we would not have problems with hackers in the first place. Somewhere, people will have to give a little and get a little. Compromise.

1 point

OK. This is my viewpoint. The government could MONITOR us because that will help stop hackers. They could have trigger words like Abby said. But think about the stuff we do on the internet. Are they going to spend an hour watching us play CoolMath? They normal citizen should get to be a little more free. If some guy just got out of jail, then yeah, monitor them! I have no problem with them watching some questionable people. And they should take care of getting bad stuff off of the internet, because there is not reason for it to be there.

1 point

How low can you get??? Sitting on CreateDebates and arguing with students? Who has time for that? Get a job, "Cuaroc". Please leave us alone.

eharpstead(11) Clarified
1 point

I think that what we need to know is whether or not we will be watched or not allowed to do stuff. It's hard to explain, but I am all for watching for hackers. I am also ok with people seeing what we post... that's why stuff is public. But to have control over us is not right.

1 point

If it were just monitoring it would be fine. But regulating makes it seem a little harsher. If this is just about watching for hackers, that'd be fine.

1 point

I'm totally for keeping away hackers. But looking at what we're all posting would be very time-consuming and would not result in much protection. But I do think hackers need to be stopped.

eharpstead(11) Clarified
1 point

When it comes to our country's secrets, though, there should be more limits. But for our day to day facebook posts which are not killing the country, the monitoring shouldn't be there. Plus this would cost a lot, wouldn't it? We can't really do that.

1 point

No. I think that they could regulate what’s ON the internet, to get rid of porn and other inappropriate and illegal stuff, but I think that the majority of citizens aren’t doing bad stuff on the internet so our privacy shouldn’t be invaded. Monitoring an innocent person’s online activity will not protect the country from hackers. This would take away from our freedom of speech and let the government take control of another aspect of our lives.

1 point

Oh please. You are ruining our discussion with this garbage.

1 point

Prem, you are totally contradicting yourself and it is annoying.

-1 points

I really agree with this, or even if they weren't elected that it was even and non-biased. The German president cannot have a political party because he is the face of the nation and I think that is really great. Their chancellor can have a party, but not their president. Their president has less power, like the Court has less power than our president.

1 point

So you think that the states should be separate? It sort of sounds like you contradicted yourself.

2 points

When the Constitution was written, there was a lot of argument. I do not think that these were in vain. The Constitution was proposing a lot and there were good points on both sides. I think that the Constitution that resulted was perfect. The state gets power, the nation gets power, it was and is the perfect compromise. The Bill of Rights was very necessary and the amendments allow the Constitution to be flexible and changeable.

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