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1 point

I agree. We need the money to help support our familys. With the minimum wage, we will know that we are getting paid or sure and not getting anything for our work.

1 point

I agree. As kids, we have a lot of life to live yet. We shouldn't have to start off working in the factories as young kids. We should safe our childhood for education and learning to be the best that we can be. As adults, we then can either go off and work in the factories or do something else for a living.

1 point

As a child laborer, I am or thte Keating-Owen Bill. If they didn't propose this bill then the owners could work us for as long as they wanted. This bill gave them limits that they can work us along with an age limit. With this bill, I will have more time to spend with my friends and family and more time to help around the house.

1 point

I don't think we should be working 40 hours. I think a buisness owner should walk in our shoes for a day and see how we have it. They can just boss us around and not work like we do. Also, the owners want better products from us, but if we're tired from working 60 hours plus all the work we have to do around the house, then the quality of our products won't be as good.

1 point

I don't think we should be forced to work longer. Working longer just makes people more tired and depressed. We are humans. We have the right to be having some fun besides working 24/7. Some buisness owners wouldn't give us more money if we worked longer anyways. Therefore, I think we should work just 40 hours.

1 point

I agree with you. Working 60 hours would makes us less concentrated on our jobs and if we worked 40 hours we would do a better job and have better quality products. The owners would be more pleased with us if we did a better job anyways then doing a crappy one and working longer hours.

2 points

I agree that a 40 hour work week is a good idea. I am a child and I need time to spend with my family and kids. If we had a 60 hour work week then I would never have time to be home and help around the house too. The buisness owners don't know that we have a lot to do outside of work too.

1 point

I agree with you. We need the money to support our famiily and to support ourselves. We have to know for sure how much we will be getting so our family can depend on that. Without a minimum wage sometimes we wouldn't know if we would be making a less amount of money.

1 point

We could strive for doing better but who would say that the rich buisness owners would give us better pay? They still might give us a low amount and we wouldn't be able to depend on that. I think we all strive for our best everyday so we don't get in trouble with the owners and so they don't decrease our pay.

1 point

I agree with you. If there wasn't a minimum wage then our bosses could pay whatever they wanted to us and however low they wanted to pay us. Also, because we are females and kids, they could pay us less. This way with having a minimum wage they couldn't discriminate against us.

2 points

If we didn't have this minimum wage we could be getting paid for less because there wouldn't be a set amount of money. The rich owners could give us less money and it wouldn't be constant so my family couldn't rely on my incocme. Also, if they do pay us less then we would have to work more hours and we couldn't focus on our education.

1 point

I am for a minimum wage. Without a minimum wage, I don't know how much I would get paid. This way I know that we will be getting paid for sure and working for something. If we didn't have a minimum wage our bosses could make us work for a penny an hour and it could be a lot worse that $7.25. Therefore, I am all for the $7.25 minimum wage!!

1 point

As a child laborer, I disagree with this. If we work 40 hours we will be better employees and working in the factory won't be as bad. I don't think we should be treated as slaves and be forced into working a 60 hour week. You don't know how bad it is until you walk in our shoes.

1 point

As a working child, I am for the 40 hour work week. I want time to spend time with my friends and family and not work in the factories. As a child, I think we have the right to having time off from the work week. Also, if we only worked 40 hours and not 60 hours I would be less tired at the factory which would lead to less injuries. I could sleep with the extra twenty hours off so that way I would be more awake at the factory and be a more productive worker. I don't think children should be allowed to work 60 hours in one week. Children should be allowed to have some freedom and fun!!

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