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1 point

If Germany won, then I think they would think they were a lot more powerfull too. Now you don't hear about them as much because they aren't trying to start things with other countries. But if they did win, they could have much more land than they do today. Also, the Nazi's would probably have some impact on the world today if they would have one. People could've followed them because they would have the image of being powerful and people would respect them for that reason.

1 point

The trenches were definitely not the cleanest. Many of them had runoff and a lot of dirt and different kinds of animals living in there. That just shows you how appreciative we should be that we don't have to trenchlife.htm be in the trenches with the disgusting things.

1 point

It's there because some people aren't willing to accept the fact that we are all different. They think if they have a darker skin color than theirself, that they are below them and don't deserve the same respect. Unfortunately, that is something that will be there forever I think. It has gotten better, but I think that will just be something that we have to live with even if we don't like it.

1 point

I agree. Without the Panama Canal, it would be a lot harder for trade and trade routes. It would also take a longer time for items to get from one side of the world to the other. The Panama Canal was a great structure to build since it is the passageway from one ocean to another.

1 point

I agree. I don't think they knew that the War would end up how it did, but soon enough I think they got that it was going to be a long, bruital even and they would just have to keep fighting through.

1 point

I think that the African Americans would eventaully stand up for their human rights. I don't think anyone could live without having rights. The rights of the African Americans happened because of the Civil War however, I don't think that if the Civil War never happened African Americans would never have equal rights.

1 point

I agree. I think that was a cause and effect of why we went to Iraq. Right after the attak, the troops headed over to Iraq.

1 point

I agree with you. I think that the United States will still have a little bit of racism in it no matter what. However, I think it has gotten way better.

1 point

The Gold Rush was a very important even that happened that lead to western expansion in the United States. Who knows, without the Gold Rush, would the western part of the United States ever be discovered?

1 point

Children had to help otherwise they would be left to starve and have no income. Unfortunately, the working conditions for the children weren't the best.

1 point

I think America is still continuing to be imperialistic because they are still involved in many events in other countries. The United States tries and help out their allies in any way they can.

1 point

Actually I don't think all countries care about is money. If that's all the United States cared about, then I don't think we would be so far in debt.

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