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Cohenning's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Cohenning's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

Hackers usually steal credit card numbers or stuff like that so i can say i will only allow the government to monitor due to hackers

cohenning(7) Clarified
1 point

I agree with jake its our right and our freedom to do whatever we want to do on the internet

cohenning(7) Clarified
4 points

Mitchell why would u want someone to monitor your every single little thing you do on your internet i know you agree with it cause Ur all like omg omg we got some terrorist trying to find a recipe for a bomb no its not like thAT AND IF THERE ARE DIRECTIONS TO MAKE A BOMB ON THE INTERNET THEN THE GOVERNMENT WOULD BLOCK THAT SITE OR DELETE THE SITE

4 points

people i dont want some random guy or girl watching every little thing i do on my internet

its my own privacy >:( >:(>:(>:(>:(>:(>:(>;:(>:(

1 point

I see why they would want to do this but i do not agree with this. I believe people should have as much privacy at there house. I agree if they have cameras to monitor people at like libraries or anything like that but i don't agree with it being in our homes

1 point

I belive we should keep a constitution . Our constitution makes our laws that we must obey. If you dont obey these laws there are punishments between a fine or prison.

3 points

our goverment should be more strict with pople not obeying the laws

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