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Clairew's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Clairew's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

I think that in some ways we were successful but we also failed.

-Successes- One of the most important changes was that it freed slaves.During Reconstruction, the building of roads, bridges, and railroads improved transportation and trade. The building of hospitals, schools, and increased care for the handicapped increased health and education levels in the South. Tax systems were revamped in order to pay for these improvements.

-Failures- The KKK was created and murdered anyone that wasn't against blacks and anyone who was black. Taxes were raised for rebuilding. Blacks were supposed to be equal but they were actually treated even worse now that they were free. There weren't any good jobs for blacks on purpose.

I think that overall the Reconstruction was kind of a failure because of the South being too racist and making their "freedom" even worse than being a slave, basically just creating an illusion that they were actually free.

1 point

Voter ID laws were made by government in the attempt to prevent the poor, elderly, and minority members of society from exercising the voting franchise and rights of citizenship. Obtaining photo ID can be pretty expensive, even with Free State ID requiring documents like a birth certificate that can cost up to $25 in some places. I think that we have to go through way too much just for something that we don't really need. I am against them.

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