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1 point

I do agreee with you on that. If people want to hurt there bodies then the government should let them. But if it is legalized more and more people will do it which isnt good for the enviroments surroundings. There would have to be a limit and where or when to take part in drugs.

1 point

I agree with you...Marijuanua should never be legalized because if it was more and more people would do it. The people that might want to smoke marijuana but won't because they know it's illegal might smoke it now because people know they wouldnt get in trouble for it. Marijuana should still be illegal so more people dont get into it. Even though people will still smoke maijuana when it is illegal it is better off just to keep it illegal.

1 point

I totally agree with you because other countries were jealous of our power. They wanted to challenge us but we usually used it for good. We got involved because we had to or we wanted to help.

1 point

Other people that came from different countries also brought different resources. This was good because it led to trading from country to country.

1 point

It was a great idea and their were many different things that were discovered during exploration. When explorers came to America they found gold, silver, and other precious stones. Explorers wanted to expand there knowledge of the world. Also wanted new land and a larger empire.

1 point

In the time of Colonization & Exploration was it a good idea for explorers to leave their home countries and come to America?

1 point

Children would work up to 19 hours a day with only an hour total break sometime. Children that worked in factories worked 12-14 hours and was very dangerous. Children were in many accidents and even got killed. All this was a problem until the factory act of 1833.

1 point

Child Labor in the Industrialization Era was very difficult for Children. They had to work long hours and didn't get paid a lot.

1 point

Yes the Industrialization Era was very difficult for young children. Children had to work long hours so they were very tired and had to operate heavy machinery. This was very dangerous for them because children got seriously injured. They also didnt get paid squat so they were treated very unfarily.

1 point

People didn't just migrate to the west but also immigrants came during the Industrialization Era. People were looking for jobs and America was the best place to get a job. Factories always needed workers and that why children worked. So immigrants also came in to work and that solved problems.

1 point

Lots of people migrated to the west when they found out there was gold. It was known as the California Gold Rush in the 1800's. Lots of people came to America once they heard of the value of gold. People went nuts over gold and even died.

1 point

Towards the end of the class I still agree with my exact hypothesis that America was very imperialistic during the Spanish-American War. They set out to take controll of other land. They showed they had great power and other countries would not start stuff. America became very strong in the Spanish- American War.

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