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Brookekoehn's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Brookekoehn's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

but the other idea is that the republicans are trying to make it harder for democrats to vote. there are laws that make it challenging, how late the polls are open and things like that.

1 point

There are two opinions on Voter ID Laws. The first being that the laws are needed to prevent voter fraud. And to make sure the people voting will keep the vote clean.

-1 points

They had to destroy everything in order to make it better. to redo everything and fix it.

1 point

i think the reconstruction period was a time of success, coming from the northerners side. The main reason of the civil war and the period of time after it was to unite america once again. The south disagreed with the north and wanted to pull away from the union. After the south lost the war, the country began to repiar itself. the south had to totally adjust their way of life since slavery was no longer legal. They needed a new industry since they had depended on slavery. Overall the during the reconstruction time period th country tried to re unite, and they did succeed in the long run

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