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1 point

I also agree. Our country talks about all of our money problems but as soon as someone needs help we spend millions on trying to save people, which is good but not if it's going to be used against us as imperialism.

1 point

It showed we were powerful and stupid. We had no reason being involved. It made us look like what we are, imperialistic. By throwing ourselves in the war and trying to be "the big guy" that saves the day. It was ridiculous and made us just look more arrogant.

1 point

I have to completely agree with this. The revolutionary war was something special, it set our independence. The Spanish American war was short, and defiantly not sweet. It was stupid and started based on a conspiracy.

1 point

This is very true, but I almost think we are even more imperialistic now than during the Spanish American war.

1 point

The Spanish American war started inn a conspiracy. This link below talks about the battle of Manila Bay, and it is an official report by the Spanish admiral Montojo.

1 point

Imperialism is one of the biggest things in our country today. Below I have a link that shows what American imperialism really is. It states it is the "economic, military, and cultural influence the US. has on other countries. Imperialism in my eyes is a problem, though our help has saved many countries.

1 point

I think he is also the best republican candidate, but I erosnally believe that Warren Mosler is the best choice for president.

1 point

This is a good post. I also posted about this book, this book really opened up the view of people, and shocked Americans ever where. The government really didn't like this about the writer, but this opened up to muckrakers and showed many people the truth.

1 point

This is very true, I have a post wiwth a link talking about this. Withought the muckrakers, who knows where we would be today.

1 point

Westward migration first came into play when people realized all the land in the west that was there for use. I have a link to show that "manifest destiny" was a big part of it. Manifest Destiny was something that the 19th century American belief that the United States was destined to expand across the continent. This wasn't really clear, because though we moved across, and now our west is industrialized, many people died on the way, and many indians and natural animals got destroyed.

1 point

Yes, I totally agree with this. I have posted already about the war and how it was fought between the governments, and not the people. I have a link to support that the soldiers got along at night, and then went back to killing the next day. It talks about the Christmas truce.

1 point

With the armistice of November 11, 1918, WW1 was over. However, the world could not return to the way it was, to what was 'normal.' Four empires had disappeared, a new menace labeled "Bolshevism" rose, and millions of people tasted the ideas and feelings associated with nationalism, national self-determination and democracy. The peace that followed the war was not one that was likely to last. The efforts to adjust to the war and what people experienced during and after World War I would haunt every soldier in every area for the rest of the century. For millions, the war would continue for months, years and even decades after November 11th.

1 point

The link below describes the book "In the Jungle" which is about the gross meat process during this time.

1 point

The muckrakers were journalists that brought up the truth in the U.S. economy. They talked about many different things, such as unfair working conditions, child labor laws, the food and health of people, and the 40 hour work week. All of these things are a major contributor to what we have today like the FDA, and other laws about labor, and children labor laws. At the time the muckrakers were considered "troublemakers" by the government. Without the muckrakers we would never be as far as we are, and our government would control us way to much.

1 point

There are many conspiracies talking about how World war one started. Evey one would like to believe it was someone Else's fault, but I agree with what the history books teach, that the war broke out because of the assignation of Arch Duke Ferdinand, and every country just jumped into the war, including the U.S. This war was defiantly one that was fought between the governments, not the people. No one wanted to kill each other, because they really had no reason to kill unlike WW2.

1 point

Current event-I read a link that talks about the rate of doctor performed abortions going down, but behind close door abortions going up. I chose this current event because I think its a very contraversial subject for many people. I personally believe that abortion should be more accepted for those who need it, or these "unhealthy" abortions will continue to rise as our country views the subject as political and not easy to talk about. It also is looked at as wrong, but their are circumstances in which women need this and more women are put at risk if we don't deal with this issue.

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