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Badskater47's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Badskater47's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

The western migration progressed the change of the united states in such a matter that we pushed more to the cause

1 point

Sopa should not be passed because the Internet would almost be pointless to the world many people are most likely are going to decline the law

1 point

Racism is still out there and it's no starting to go the other way but also stilling be racist by letting colored people into college for less of a cost

1 point

Ww1 could have been avoided if the country's would have not assassinated leaders and have the whole dispute

1 point

We think that we have the best military in the world there for we are imperialistic and as well as thinking we have the best for freedom

1 point

I agree if we went for another cause it still would have been the Journalists fault on be half of not being there

1 point

Propaganda was a big part of they way we look at past wars and present the news and the Internet and the newspaper uses propaganda

1 point

The trail of tears was caused because of the western migration and we thought it was a new start by going back to what we were good at forcing and killing

1 point

They released the evil sided of many factory's and company's in general I agree they were very helpful

1 point

World war one proved how violent people can really get we fought the war for no cause really there was an old story that people from different country's would come over to the opposite side and have a party on Christmas the shared story's and had good time and the next day they went and killed eachother mostof the time the soldiers didn't even no why they were fighting

1 point

In the Spanish American war we promised the Cuba to become there own country and when it happened it went to a dictator ship economy and it is very hard to be really free

1 point

You would get fined and possabley put in prison they law should not pass because many things we be taken away twitter,Facebook,YouTube,ect

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